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Jess Allen

5 Benefits of Doing a Digital Detox

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5 Benefits of Doing a Digital Detox By Christian M. Fuersich, LMSW Experts advise us to turn off and reboot our phones, tablets and computers at least once a week to clear their built-up cache and help them run faster and smoother. Why don't we do the same for ourselves--take a digital detox, rebooting to replenish our own personal cache?…
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The Blues of Applying to School

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The Dread of Applying to School As many of us prepare for the summer ahead, those of you who are applying to college or graduate school may not feel like you have much of break. There is a lot of anxiety that comes from the application process so we have some tips to help you prepare! By Danica Spence, LMSW…
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Coping with Social Anxiety During the Holidays

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Coping with Social Anxiety During the Holidays    With the start of December, we enter the month of holiday parties, friends and family, and of course New Years Eve. This can be a very joyous time, but also a very stressful when you are dealing with social anxiety. Social anxiety is the fear of social situations that involve interacting with…
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Healthy Eating Habits for the Holiday Season

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Is it possible to have Healthy eating Habits for the Holiday Season? This year, Stove Top is selling holiday pants with stretchy waistbands to allow all our gluttonous desires to be possible. While this seems like a hilarious joke to some, for others it is a glaring reminder of an internal challenge that’s magnified during the holidays: Binge eating. What…
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5 Ways To Talk To Your Child Effectively

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Talking to our children is a challenge.   It is hard to believe we are a couple months into the school year and are embarking on the holiday season.  Many children have settled into their new classroom routines and are busy with after-school sports, playdates, sleepovers and birthday parties. However, more often than not, when you ask your child how…
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Winter is coming: Ways to prepare for the blues

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Prioritizing Self Care Through the Winter Blues   The days are getting shorter and in a couple of weeks, temperatures will drop to sweater weather. For many, this brings a popular phrase to mind: winter is coming. Along with snowflakes and hot chocolates comes the fifth avenue lights, holidays, and New Years resolutions. In the mental health field, the change…
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Four Tips for Living Your Best Life Inside and Out

4 Tips for Living Your Best Life – Inside and Out

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By Danica Spence, LMSW Key tools for loving yourself and increasing your internal happiness.   Executing our Agency Agency is different than attempting to have control over everything. Instead, it focuses on encouraging you to take an active role in your own life, aiming to build a life around things that make you happy. Agency is something we should be…
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A Healthy Escape from Holiday Debates

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If you’re anything like me and dreading family discussions this holiday season – due in large part to the recent election and subsequent country divide – then you’ve probably already thought about how you can avoid them. Since life is not actually an SNL skit, and we can’t just play Adele on an infinite loop when Uncle Larry starts talking…
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Body Image and Children

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From the ubiquitous photos of barely clad, bone-thin celebrities like Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan, to the emaciated models strutting their stuff on the cat walk, children today are inundated with media images that present thinness as a standard of beauty and elegance. Seeing these images over and over may lead them to think that their own bodies are not…
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